Todd Friel, of Wretched Radio, went to a public college and discussed Christianity with a group.
Grill a Christian (Part 1)
Grill a Christian (Part 2)
Grill a Christian (Part 3)
Todd Friel, of Wretched Radio, went to a public college and discussed Christianity with a group.
Grill a Christian (Part 1)
Grill a Christian (Part 2)
Grill a Christian (Part 3)
Atheism has made a huge leap into the public mind. It seems that, ever since 9-11, a new breed of Atheism has come of age. One poem in particular about being an Atheist produces a few questions in my mind:
If you are hungry, I will offer food.
If you are thirsty, I will offer water.
If you are cold, I will offer warmth.
If you are in need, ask and I will give.
If you are in trouble, ask and I will help.
I do not do these things in the hopes of being rewarded, or out of fear of being punished.
I do these things because I know them to be right.
I set my own standards and I alone enforce them.
I am an Atheist
How does an Atheist “know them to be right”? What is right? wrong?
Who is the arbitrator of what is right? The individual person? Society?
What if one society sees everyone else not like them as inferior and decides to pursue all other societies’ destruction? It’s right in one society’s eyes but not others.
What if one society decides to take in and nurture all helpless people, while another decides to end the lives of all the helpless? What makes one society virtuous while another horrendous?
What if a society, at one point in time, pursues justice for all, yet within 1 to 3 generations becomes corrupt and pursues self-interest alone and throws justice out in the street?
What constitutes virtue? horrendous action? justice? injustice? Who gets to define these ideals and why should I follow those ideals?
This way of thinking promotes people doing what is right in their own eyes.
If we are to pursue the full extent of Atheism, then we must follow the natural conclusion provided in the video below.
What hope is there? There is no hope. There is no reason for me to follow any laws or guidelines of society. Because there is no God, I will not be judged by God, even though I will be judged by society, and even then, society’s perception of good will change. And if that is the extent of my judgement, so what? And who cares?
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