What do you think of when you consider politics?
When you think of politics do you think of Left vs Right? Liberal vs Conservative? Communism vs Freedom?

*This image was borrowed from Voting Mad.
More and more Christians are pointing out Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Marxism when discussing certain topics such as Black Lives Matter (and not necessarily black lives matter). (You can watch this video which explains Critical Race Theory here).
In the chapter, Marxism and the Marxism Tradition, the author writes,
Horkheimer (1895-1973) developed the discipline within philosophy known as critical theory, that is, critical analysis set toward the practical end of liberating and emancipating human beings from conditions of enslavement. Marxist critical theory would express special interest in democratic and egalitarian justice for those who had been oppressed throughout history because of their gender, race, and disability. It also applied a critical analysis to a broad spectrum of disciplines: Law, history, sociology, psychology/politics, economics, and aesthetics.
Karl Marx (Great Thinkers) by William D. Dennison (p. 12).
One significant goal of Marxism is to make everyone free from oppression, establishing justice as the end of the means. These are good and right goals.
However, much of what Marx espoused is unbiblical with kernels of truth.
We should seek justice, mercy, and freedom within all spheres of life. These are good and right and necessary. But Marx desired these to be implemented in a compulsory fashion.
Within Marxist theory, Marx presents ideas which assume humankind is inherently good. And when it suits him, he presents ideas which assume humankind is inherently sinful. There’s conflict within the philosophy. (This idea is beyond the scope of this article).
In order to establish the ends to his theory, he devised a segmented view of politics. Marx wanted everything to be political: Marriage. Education. Theology. Family. Church.
Marx wanted a distinction between each segment of political thought. He wanted sharp separation between social classes.
Marx devised a plan which produces conflict: And we are left with our linear form of thought–Left vs Right.
The point I want to make extremely clear: Those who denounce CRT and Marxism still think within Marxist theory. Here is what I am not saying: Do not denounce CRT and Marxism. And here is what I am saying: Denounce CRT and Marxism.
Marxist theory promotes an “Us vs Them” mentality. Christianity, however, says, “Us, come join us.”
However, Marxist thought so permeates our collective thinking, even though Marxism and CRT are denounced (as rightly they should be!), people still think in terms of Marxist thought.
Let’s say we are flying in a plane from East to West. You and I are standing in the front of the plane. You say, “I want to go East.” And you begin running down the aisle to the back of the plane–going East.
Are you truly going East?
The plane is Marxist theory, specifically the linear political thinking. No matter how much effort you take to head East, you end up going West.
Scripture demonstrates something utterly different.
I don’t like politics, and I do not intend to make this a political site.
I am addressing the Marxist ideology in which many (most?) people think rather than biblical thinking. By all means, call out the issues with Marxist theory and CRT. Just make sure to think biblically in these matters.
Biblical love is sacrificial love. Jesus is our prime example of this. Yes, he is our Savior–the Savior of the world, in fact–but he is our example of giving up his rights for a little time for the sake of the people he loves (Philippians 2; Hebrews 2).
Biblical sacrifice is voluntary, not as Marx devised–as compulsory. We are to defer to another, loving one another like we like to be loved. And so, there are aspects of what Scripture teaches which, when understood wrongly, can appear to promote compulsory confiscation of rights, when in reality, it is out of love and deference from which we give from the storehouse we have been entrusted and are stewards of in a sacrificial way because Jesus made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.
And to this, we say, “Amen.” Lord, Jesus, make us more like you.
In the next article, I would like to explore what Christian thinking should look like within politics.
1 reply on “Scripture and Marxism”
[…] we are conditioned to think within Marxist ideology (and we are simply by the fact of our linear approach to politics), it is difficult to shift into a biblical paradigm of […]