
The Testimony Of Supermodel Kathy Ireland

Supermodel Kathy Ireland uses Science and Reason to tell Mike Huckabee why she became pro-life.

“She does talk about being a Christian but makes her point using science not blind faith as a basis. She correctly tackles the fundamental questions: What is the issue? What is the unborn? and What is the value of human life? After all you can’t have a position that is either pro-life or pro-choice unless you can answer the question – What is the unborn? If it were not a life then you would not have to abort it. If the unborn is not a human being then no justification is necessary. If it is a human being then no justification is adequate. There is after all no difference on your DNA when you are an adult, child or just a few cells not yet fully developed but still fully human in nature. Body size does not determine value. The former Presidential candidate Huckabee learned something and maybe you will as well.”

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