Glory of God Gospel Quotations

A Snapshot of T4G2012

“If we lose the concept of lostness we lose the entire gospel–real people are in real danger before the only real God”
          ~Thabiti Anyabwile

“God only has one sermon. From Genesis to Revelation it is the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
          ~Thabiti Anyabwile

“The greatest hinderance to the Gospel is a Christian’s lack of confidence in the power of the Gospel.”
          ~Thabiti Anyabwile

“If we’re confident in the gospel, we’ll position ourselves around the worst of sinners.”
          ~Thabiti Anyabwile

‎”We become what we behold.”
          ~Kevin DeYoung

“The Holy Spirit is not a small nebulous entity. He is the POWERFUL, ALMIGHTY, PERSONAL God that raised Jesus from the dead.”
          ~Kevin Deyoung

“I was born this way. Yes, but the Gospel says you can be born again in a different way. A way of Truth and Holiness.”
          ~Kevin Deyoung

“The struggle to grow in Holiness is the fight of faith”
          ~Kevin DeYoung

“The central motivation for holiness in the New Testament is to be who you are, understand your identity in Christ!”
          ~kevin Deyoung

“We must strive to be holy. It is a sin not to. But only the Spirit can make our striving fruitful.”
          ~Kevin Deyoung

‎”Sanctification is not by surrender but by divinely enabled toil.”
          ~Kevin Deyoung

‎”The secret of the gospel is that we actually do more when we hear less about all we need to do for God and hear more about all that God has already done for us.”
          ~Kevin DeYoung

one reason for keeping false converts out of church membership: “False converts hire false teachers.”
          ~Mark Dever

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