Just for Fun News and Views

News, Views, and Whatnot for 4/7/2012

NPR interviews Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina. She talks about “Ann Romney Is Mitt’s ‘Golden Ticket'” and her conversion to Christianity.

“My husband and I have decided Christianity is the way we want to raise our kids, but everyone has to find their own path to God.”

Matt Rawlings is Reading through the Constitution-Article I, Section 6.

“The reason members of Congress were originally paid per diem instead of a salary was that it was envisioned as a part-time gig! The Founding Fathers wanted a citizen legislature with members who still worked the fields, drafted their neighbors wills and maintained businesses in their own communities. They were only expected to be in Washington for a few months a year at the most. In fact, as I wrote two weeks ago, Founders Gouverner Morris and Rufus King wondered aloud at the Convention if it was even necessary for Congress to meet every year. They didn’t expect Congress to have enough to do to justify meeting annually!”

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